About Us
BFC innovative ways to tap into funding financial instrument transaction islamiclly. It was decided to structure a product that could be combined with forfaiting assets and we have been able to develop an financial product which has been structured to adhere to Shari’ah principles whilst at the same time making use of forfaiting assets. Bahrain Forfaiting Corporation has recognized that the requirements of worldwide corporates and financial institutions are not being met. With availability of unutlized funds. It is understood that the Islamic forfaiting/factoring is now up and running, and that its BFC strategy includes financing Letters of credit or similar trade/commercial papers across all sectors, though screening is required to ensure that the products underlying the Letters of credit do not run counter to Shari’ah principles. The structure that innovated by BFC is a complex one. It was quite a difficult exercise, and there had to be a sign-off by Islamic scholars to verify that Shari’ah strictures had been met with.
We are careful in ensuring that the pool of non-Islamic forfaiting assets was not used to directly satisfy the Islamically compliant obligations under the commodity and trade financing arrangements.
High-Frequency Algorithmic Forex Trading (Fund Manager)
Our high frequency trading (HFT), or systematic trading, is an automated trading platform used by large investment banks, hedge funds and institutional investors. The strategy that engages powerful computers and servers and the fastest connectivity technology to trade large numbers of orders at extremely high speeds.
What is high frequency trading (HFT)?
High frequency trading uses algorithms to analyse trading data and execute trades in fractions of a second. High frequency trading platforms allow traders to fill millions of orders and scan a multitude of markets and exchanges, providing split second arbitrage opportunities for institutions to execute trades before the open market.
Servers owned by the HFT shops and proprietary traders are located on the sites where exchange’s computers are placed. This allows HFT firms to get equity prices split seconds before the investing public, because of the discrepancy in connection speeds. Colocation is a profitable business for the exchanges, costing firms millions of dollars for the opportunity to trade with low latency ̶ the time between a signal being sent and received.
HFT was developed and took hold after 2005, when the SEC took efforts to modernise the securities markets.
BFC High-Frequency trading
Institutional investors in the development and implementation of HFT strategies spend billions of dollars annually. BFC built the ability to receive market-related information first, and then act upon that information before competitors, we are the key tenant of the competitive advantage sought by HFT firms. As the capacity of information systems technology and Internet connectivity grows, BFC evolution of HFT strategies is likely to continue.